2022 Chris Snell Potato Challenge (Update)
Following the cancellation of the BBQ and potato challenge weigh-in, it has been decided to combine this event with Gardeners' Question Time on 20th October. All potato bags are to be weighed in advance and the winner announced during the evening, where prizes, including some new trophies which have been donated by Jane Snell, will be handed out.
If you are taking part you need to get your potato bags to us for weighing as soon as possible. These can be left in the communal shed where someone will collect them, or left outside the front entrance to East Grange House anytime from Monday 3rd October. Ensure your bag is labelled with your name and contact details, preferably in permanent marker. If you know any non-members who are taking part, please let them know. We will also be putting out a notice on Network Scruton. Bags will not be weighed on the evening of the GQT.
There are further details of the event on the website: https://www.scrutonallotments.
We would still like to run a produce stall selling vegtables, fruit and other produce in order to raise funds for the association but this will depend on what might be available. If anyone has any surplus produce or jam/pickles that have been made that you be happy to donate for a stall, could you let me know please? If there is enough for a stall we'll let you know before the event.