Allotments – Spring 2021

Dear All,

At last it is warmer and drier and I see a few people have made a start down at the allotment. I’m going down this morning

We had a committee meeting this week and have decided to keep the rent the same as last year. So £35 for half a plot and £70 a full plot. If you are not renewing your rent and want to give up your plot, please let me know as soon as possible, so we can re-let it.

I prefer BACS, but cheque or cash would be OK. Cheques made payable to Scruton Allotment Association  sort code 40-35-03  account number 91410512 by the 31st March please.

We are planning to run the potato competition again this year and throw it open to the village again and hopefully we’ll tie this in with a social event/BBQ.

I’ve instigated a seed swap scheme, so you’ll find a box in the communal shed of surplus seed, the idea is to help your self to seed and if you have a surplus add it to the box.

Please also remember to use the new allotment website, Richard Zealley has kindly updated and developed. We hope to use this a lot more as a way of communicating to everyone.

There’s still plenty of FYM left, it would good to get this used up before the summer.

Best Wishes Chris

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