Scruton Allotments Association

Allotment Plots Available

We have two plots available for immediate use. Each plot is 1 x 5 poles (approx 5 x 25m) and the annual rent is currently £45 p.a. If you are interested please click on the button below.

Scruton Allotments Association was set up in 2007 to establish an allotment plot for village residents.

The aim of the association is to provide affordable plots so tenants can grow their own produce, and also through social events, competitions and educational events, encourage and help people to grown their own produce.


Upcoming Events

RAF Leeming Family Day

Scruton Allotment Association took up an offer to have a stall at RAF Leeming’s family day in order to publicise…

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Gardeners’ Question Time 2024

Scruton Allotments will be holding another Gardeners’ Question Time on Thursday 18th April 2024 at 7pm at the Village Hall

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Latest News

Picnic in the Field

By Ian Powell | August 22, 2021

We have been asked by the organising committee of this years ‘Picnic in the Field’ if the allotment group would like to have a stall to sell any additional or extra veg’, plants or fruit that we might wish to donate.

Potato Challenge

By Ian Powell | August 22, 2021

This year as a bonus we are incorporating our event with the Village Picnic to be held on the playing field (In lieu of the normal village fete).